

AI Translation
This post is translated from Chinese into English through AI.View Original

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. - Bible, Old Testament, Ecclesiastes

History always repeats itself in an astonishingly similar way. What happened in the past is likely to happen again in the present. Textile machines replaced textile workers, cars replaced horse-drawn carriages, driverless buses replaced traditional buses, and food delivery services replaced taxi drivers. Looking at the development of the internet and the trend towards intelligence and automation, the turnover speed of various emerging industries in the future is likely to increase. It will be difficult to see situations where people work in the same job for decades or even a lifetime as before. In the future, individuals may only work for a few years in a job before hitting a ceiling, as the development opportunities will be instantly flattened by information technology.
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