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【2024-09-08】Understand the world in 60 seconds every day

1. Hainan reports: Typhoon "Mojia" has caused 4 deaths, 95 injuries, and 520,000 people affected across the province. 2. Two departments urgently allocate 270 million yuan in disaster relief funds to support flood and typhoon prevention efforts in Hainan, Guangdong, and Guangxi. 3. The National Radio and Television Administration: The management of complex charging and operations for "nested" television has achieved significant results, enabling live broadcasts upon startup. 4. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology requires the establishment of battery health assessment outlets to screen for potential hazards in electric bicycles. 5. Many regions have extended break times to 15 minutes: encouraging everyone to "get moving," and strictly prohibiting disguised class extensions. 6. Tianjin plans to exempt 38 minor violations in the transportation sector from penalties. 7. Guizhou: Subsidies for new energy and fuel passenger vehicles will be increased to 20,000 yuan and 15,000 yuan, respectively. 8. Huawei's foldable smartphone is now available for pre-order, with prices yet to be revealed, and over a million reservations made. 9. Cambodian Ministry of Defense: Cambodia has proactively requested two warships from China based on defense needs. 10. The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution declaring July 6 as "World Rural Development Day." 11. Japan's "rice shortage" continues: Many areas are experiencing tight rice supplies, with shelves emptying within minutes of restocking. 12. A malfunctioning American spacecraft returns to Earth without crew, while two American astronauts will remain in space for five to six more months. 13. The Africa CDC and WHO launch a joint plan to respond to the monkeypox outbreak on the African continent. 14. South Korea claims North Korea has launched balloons containing pollutants towards the South for four consecutive days, with no response from the North. 15. Senior Ukrainian lawmaker: There is no money to pay the troops this month! Zelensky: The conflict must end by this fall. 16. With sweat, we weave strength; with perseverance, we achieve dreams; with hard work, we forge brilliance.
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